系統訊息 System Message |
姓名 Name |
請晶片讀卡機插入健保卡後,按『讀取』驗證健保卡 Please insert the NHI card into the Smart IC card reader, and click "Read" to verify the NHI card.
戶號 Household ID number |
Please refer to the number on the top left side of the cover of Household Certificate.
為避免健保卡遭他人冒用,保障您的個人資料安全,請務必輸入 In order to prevent the NHI card from being misused by others and protect the security of your personal data, please be sure to enter the Household ID number.
戶籍鄉鎮里鄰 Household Registration Address |
請插入健保卡並輸入戶號及戶籍鄉鎮里鄰後按【下一步】 Please insert the NHI card, enter the Household ID number and Household Registration Address and click "Next".